Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hair Color

I had let my hair go way too long, so I finally made an appointment for some color and a trendy new cut. It had been about six months since I had gotten my roots touched up, so as you can guess, they gray was showing. Now, with my blonde locks, my stacked cut and my arched brows, I feel like a new person!

I have found a great product to use on those roots. It's hair mascara. My current one came from Sally's Beauty Supply, but you can also order a good one online at colormark. com. It washes out with your shampoo, so if you mess up all you have to is wash your hair. Although, I doubt you will make a mistake because it's so easy to use. You literally paint color over your gray roots. With hair mascara, you can put off that hair appointment a couple of more weeks.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Getting in Shape

I hate to exercise. I always have, and maybe I always will. But for the last month, my husband and I have been walking at night. We figure it's good for the two dogs, and it's good for us. The dogs love it; we tolerate it.

But I have to admit it's getting easier. We certainly go faster now. As my husband says, I need to get my heart pumping. We've been thinking about setting a goal of taking a three-day backpacking trip about this time next year.

So why is exercise so difficult? We know for a fact we're healthier because of it. Yet, I look for every excuse to avoid it. But at halftime of my life, I've realized I won't live forever. It's time to get with the program, and get in shape!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Second Acts

I'm reading a great book! It's called "Second Acts," and it's written by Stephen Pollan. Mr. Pollan is an attorney, a financial expert and a life coach, who created a second act for himself after he was diagnosed with lung cancer -- then was told that diagnosis was wrong and he actually had tuberculosis.

The author takes you through a series of exercises, which I'm doing. One of them really puts you out there, because you have to get in touch with family and friends and ask them to honestly tell you what they see as your strengths and weaknesses. The answers are starting to trickle back in, and I must say, people are giving this a lot of thought. I appreciate that!

Get this book if you wanted to get started on a second act. As a footnote, Mr. Pollan is the father-in-law of actor Michael J. Fox, who also started a second act after he learned he had Parkinson's Disease.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Office Clothes

Since I'm planning to go back to work full time, I've been assembling some interview outfits. It's been a long time since I wore suits and heels. I've also been putting together some outfits that are a little more professional and trendy than my everyday look at home. As I'm getting out more, I'm running into people who could be a big help professionally. So I think I need to dress a little better!

So, I bought two pairs of black pumps, one of them very conservative with a fairly high heel. The other pair is a little more trendy, at least for me, but has a lower heel. I've bought a couple of nice jackets, and I'm having several pieces altered, which I think will make a huge difference.

I'm kinda getting excited about the new me!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The "halftime" class at my church didn't turn out to be what I was hoping, so I think I may give it a miss. But I did have the opportunity to catch up with an old friend, and that was great! I've been so involved in my family the last several years, I've let some friendships go. Now, I'm trying to get back in the swing of things with my friends.

As wives and mothers, we often put our other relationships on the back burner for too long. Somehow we equate looking after our self with with being greedy. There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. After all, when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Tonight I 'm going to the fall preview of the women's ministries programs at my church. This fall, there's a class for women who are in the "halftime" of their lives. Well, that's me for sure. I'm hoping this class will address all the issues I'm struggling with as I try to reinvent myself.

Plus, I just need to get out more! I've spent all my time mothering during the last several years, and while I don't regret it, I do see how I've let some other priorities go. Priorities such as looking after me.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Trendy Nails

Bright fingernail polish seems to be out. I guess it’s been out for a while now, but I missed that memo. (It’s still okay for toenails.) Acrylic nails seem to be going out of style, too. They were never in style for me. I just couldn’t justify all that time or money.

But I’ve found a way to keep my fingernails looking pretty good. And since looking stylish is part of my reinvention plan, I’m proud to say my nails have never looked better. Here’s what I do.

First, my nails had started to yellow. Soaking them in denture tablets dissolved in warm water makes a big difference. I leave them in the soak for about five minutes. Then I dig my nails into a bar of ivory soap. Rinse, and they’re whiter than ever. I buff, shape and then grab the nail polish.

I apply a clear coat, let dry, and then apply a pink coat that’s almost a nude. Then, a second pink coat and finally another coat of clear. The four coats harden them, and so I’m not as likely to break one. If I do, I just file it down and start over.

The pale pink polish doesn’t show chips like a dark one does. Most of all, I feel beautifully trendy!